The school takes great pride in the children's appearance, it is an important part of belonging to our community. Our uniform is both practical and smart as well as being inexpensive and therefore accessible for all.
Royal blue sweatshirt/cardigan
White polo shirt
Grey skirt or trousers (not leggings)
Grey shorts can be worn in the summer
White polo shirt
School sweatshirt or cardigan of the same school colour
Blue and white check dress can be worn in the summer
Long hair should be tied back neatly at all times – no large bows, tiaras or high headbands
Dark coloured shoes (velcro, buckles or lace-ups, no slip-ons).
Black trainers only, for PE days
Nursery and Reception class children need a pair of wellington boots in school at all times
PE Kit
PE kit should be worn in to school on PE days and be worn all day.
Black shorts and black tracksuit bottoms/leggings (no logos)
Blue school sweatshirt only
T-shirt in your team colour (Red, Blue, Green or Yellow)
Plimsolls or black trainers are needed for outdoors games
PE kit should be worn to school on PE days only
Children need a waterproof coat in school every day.
Every child needs to bring in a clean, filled water bottle every day
Large bag or back packs are not allowed in school due to limited space in the cloak rooms
Jewellery should be limited to a practical sized watch (devices that are connected to the internet/have photographic capacity/can make calls/send or receive texts or emails are not permitted) and small studs for children with pierced ears.
Children wearing other jewellery to school will be asked to remove it.
For PE, children must be able to remove their own earrings and watch and long hair must be tied back.
Nursery children are required to wear the school sweatshirt.
Nursery children can wear the whole uniform if they would like. Sweatshirts, cardigans, fleeces, book bags and baseball caps may be bought online via the link below.
Nursery class children need a pair of wellington boots in school and we recommend a bag of spare clothes.
Please name all items of clothing brought into school.
Uniform can be ordered online at Price & Buckland using the link below
Great Barford Academy (