
Pupil Sickness Update - Reminder

Pupil Sickness Update

Absence Email - attendance@gbpa.org.uk  


All absences must be reported before 8:55am. Please email atttendance@gbpa.org.uk stating your childs name, class and reason for absence.


Please find below an update regarding our sickness procedures


If a child is under the weather and feeling unwell, we will risk assess. Do we believe that the child is well enough to be in school? Is staying in school going to spread germs to others? Is the child's wellbeing being adversely affected?  A member of the SLT will have the final decision as to whether a child’s parents should be contacted with a view to a child being sent home.


Any child absent due to sickness/diarrhoea will need to remain off school for at least 48hrs from the last episode of sickness/diarrhoea.