

Children enter school in the academic year they become five. There is one admission date per year in September. Therefore, parent/carers who would like their child to be admitted to the school during the year their child is five should ensure that they complete the necessary application form following the admission timetable below. Applications for admission to the school should be made in accordance with the Bedford Borough's admissions procedures. Forms can be obtained from the school or the Borough. Parents can also apply online or a form can be downloaded from the Borough website.


Admissions Criteria

Pupils who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health and Care Plan are required to be admitted to the school which is named on the statement, even if the school is full.


In the event of there being more applications than available places, the following oversubscription criteria will be applied, in order.


Category 1    All 'looked after' children (LAC) or children who were previously ‘looked after’ (PLAC) including those children who appear (to the admissions authority of the school) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted  (IAPLAC) 


Category 2   Children living in the catchment area with siblings at the school.


Category 3   Other pupils living in the catchment area. 


Category 4   Children eligible for Early Years Pupil Premium, Pupil Premium or Service Premium Funding who currently attend Great Barford Primary Academy nursery class.


Category 5   Other Siblings.


Category 6   Children whose home address is outside the catchment area, but one or more of whose parents/guardians have, at the time of application shown commitment to the Church of England or another Christian Church by attending a service at least once a month for the year prior to an application being made.  A clergy signature will be required to verify this level of attendance.


Category 7   Children of staff members


Category 8   Any other children


In Year Admissions

Requests for admissions into other year groups should be made on the In-Year application form. This form is available either from the school or the Local Authority and can also be downloaded from the local authority website.


Our Admissions are dealt with by Bedford Borough Council. Please click on link below which will take you to guidance, contact numbers and forms relating to admissions for Great Barford Primary Academy

